Our Vision

The vision of Brevard Beachside Soccer Club is to inspire and enable our community’s children to reach their full potential in the sport of soccer and in life. Not only will the players develop skills on the soccer field, but they will also develop qualities that will make them good citizens of our community. Teamwork, responsibility, hard work, sportsmanship, and fellowship will be taught and modeled in a safe and fun environment.

The club has developed players for the past 32 years, serving the community by training players in all age groups and levels of competition.

The Recreational and Competitive programs are structured to accommodate all age groups, teaching the youth sport culture at the highest standard by promoting a positive experience for the players, coaches, and parents involved. By focusing on these values, the Beachside Soccer Club has developed a one of a kind experience for their players.

Our Charter

Charter of the Brevard Beachside Soccer Club


Article I.     Purpose

The purpose of the Charter of the Brevard Beachside Soccer Club (hereinafter “the Charter”) is to set forth the Vision, the Mission, and Founding Purpose and Principles of the organization, and to act as a guide to the Board of Directors (the Board) in making decisions for the benefit of the Club. Where the Bylaws explain “how” the Club operates, the Charter explains “why”. Whenever provisions of the Charter and of the Bylaws conflict, the provisions of the Charter shall prevail.


Article II.    Vision

The vision of Brevard Beachside Soccer Club is to inspire and enable our community’s children to reach their full potential in the sport of soccer and in life.


Article III.  Mission

The mission of Brevard Beachside Soccer Club is to develop and promote the ideals of teamwork, responsibility, hard work, sportsmanship and camaraderie within a safe and fun environment.  The individual growth of our community’s children is enhanced through the spirit of competition, discipline and fair play.  These goals will be accomplished by providing a developmental program structured to accommodate all levels of ability, potential, and interest- both recreational and competitive.  Brevard Beachside Soccer Club is committed to providing a youth sports culture that teaches the game of soccer while maintaining the highest standards and promoting a positive experience for everyone involved. 


Article IV.   Core Values

  1. Players: We believe in meeting each child at his or her level of ability and interest. Soccer should be both fun and challenging. A vibrant Recreational Soccer program engages the community, serves children of all ages, promotes positive family and friendship experiences, and provides a path for lifelong fitness. Vibrant Developmental and Competitive Soccer programs with quality training offer children the opportunity to challenge themselves. Soccer must remain affordable so that children of all backgrounds have access to the game.
  2. Volunteers: We believe that volunteers are vital to the success of the club. Volunteers help keep soccer affordable, promote community building, and ensure that our goals are not supplanted by monetary motivations.
  3. Coaches: We believe that providing a positive experience for coaches requires offering ongoing support and educational development opportunities, while fostering independence and the freedom to meet the needs of their teams without unreasonable interference. Recreational Team Coaches shall receive the support of the board to become licensed, improve their licensing, and to learn coaching techniques and skills from the Club coaching staff.  Competitive Team Coaches shall have the right to offer team membership to any interested players while respecting league rules concerning poaching, to utilize trainers and train their players as they see fit so long as such methods do not conflict with the best interests of their players or the principles of the Club, and to play any one or more team formations.  
  4. Charity, Citizenship, Personal Growth: Though the Club seeks to achieve its goals primarily through soccer, the Club will strive to provide players and parents opportunities for charity, citizenship, and personal growth within and beyond the game. 


Article V. Modification and Amendment

The Charter may only be modified or amended once per year at the Annual Meeting of the Membership. Proposed modifications or amendments must first have the support of a 2/3 majority vote of the Board of Directors taken at a Board meeting where Quorum is present, and then be published in a visible location on the Club’s official website  no less than 30 days prior to the annual meeting. Modifications or Amendments require a two-thirds majority vote of the voting membership in attendance at the Annual Meeting, provided a Quorum is present.


Article VI.  Eligible Voters

For any votes brought before the general membership, an eligible voter is any Board member, Employee of the Club, Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Manager or Volunteer who has been a member-in-good-standing of the Club for at least two (2) consecutive seasons prior to the vote (spring and fall).  Additionally, each current registered player is entitled to one vote exercised by a parent or legal guardian, provided the parent or legal guardian has been a member-in-good-standing for at least two (2) consecutive seasons prior to the vote (spring and fall).  Current registered players 18 years or older who have played in the Club for at least two (2) consecutive seasons prior to the vote (spring and fall) must cast his or her own vote. The Secretary or Registrar shall certify all voting members prior to any vote of the general membership.


Article VII. Merger and Dissolution

The merger of the Club with any other club or clubs, and the voluntary dissolution of the Club may only be considered once per calendar year.  Prior to any vote on a merger or dissolution, the Board must call a meeting of the general membership to provide information and elicit concerns and feedback.  The date and time of the meeting must be published in a visible location on the Club’s official website  no less than 30 days prior to the meeting and clearly state the purpose of the meeting.  At least 30 days following the meeting of the membership, the Board may vote on the proposed merger or dissolution. Any merger or dissolution requires a 2/3 majority vote of the Board of Directors at any meeting of the Board, provided a quorum of the Directors is present.